
functional massage performed with intention and customized with aroma.

Kurá Hulanda

Elemental nature massage

Therapeutic Swedish massage in which the therapist will customize your aromatic experience. This light pressure massage is low intensity with high impact leaving the body in a completly relaxed state.

ƒ 110

45 mins

ƒ 180

60 mins

ƒ 235

90 mins

Coral Estate

The 8 experience

An incorporation of 8 elements into one treatment that will be sure to reach mind, body, and soul. Therapist will pull from different massage modalities, introduce contrasting textures and reach the physical and spiritual level. Massage performed indoors in airconditioned room

ƒ 270

90 mins

Coral Estate

Foot reflexology

Kneading techniques will be used on pressure points in the feet that correspond to specific organs. This technique activates the flow of energy in the body to induce a deep sense of relaxation.

ƒ 118

45 mins

ƒ 192

60 mins

Coral Estate

Prenatal massage

Ease the mind and body into the transitional period experienced during pregnancy. This soothing massage is recommended for second and third trimesters only.

ƒ 192

60 mins

Coral Estate

Chakra healing

A complimentary treatment to the Chakra Balancing massage where your therapist will take you on a guided meditation and introduce crystals as another modality to the healing process.

Chakra balancing massages are sometimes recommended as a series of 7 to be able to take a deeper dive into the individual energy centers.

ƒ 252

90 mins

Coral Estate

Elemental nature massage

Therapeutic Swedish massage in which the therapist will customize your aromatic experience. This light pressure massage is low intensity with high impact leaving the body in a completly relaxed state.

ƒ 118

45 mins

ƒ 192

60 mins

ƒ 252

90 mins

Kurá Hulanda

Chakra healing

A complimentary treatment to the Chakra Balancing massage where your therapist will take you on a guided meditation and introduce crystals as another modality to the healing process.

Chakra balancing massages are sometimes recommended as a series of 7 to be able to take a deeper dive into the individual energy centers.

ƒ 235

90 mins

Coral Estate

Chakra balance

Treatment combining a variety of massage techniques with a unique focus on the chakra energy centers. Aveda Chakra Balancing Blends used intuitively to enhance breath work. A good introductory treatment to the chakras.

ƒ 192

60 mins

ƒ 252

90 mins

Coral Estate

Hozho tandem massage

Two therapist work in tandem to deliver twice the benefit. Synchronously performed, this massage introduces contrasting pressure in perfect harmony.

ƒ 310

60 mins

ƒ 360

90 mins

Kurá Hulanda

Thai massage

Improve flexibility and release muscular tension through the assisted stretching and accupressure work of Thai massage. Loose fitting clothing is required; note no oil is used during this service.

ƒ 260

90 mins

Kurá Hulanda

The 8 experience

An incorporation of 8 elements into one treatment that will be sure to reach mind, body, and soul. Therapist will pull from different massage modalities, introduce contrasting textures and reach the physical and spiritual level. Massage performed indoors in airconditioned room

ƒ 260

90 mins

Kurá Hulanda

Prenatal massage

Ease the mind and body into the transitional period experienced during pregnancy. This soothing massage is recommended for second and third trimesters only.

ƒ 180

60 mins

Coral Estate

Couples massage

Enjoy any of our massages together with a partner. Note, Thai, Chakra, and the 8 experience Massage are designed to be experienced solo.

ƒ 384

60 mins

ƒ 504

90 mins

Kurá Hulanda

Foot reflexology

Kneading techniques will be used on pressure points in the feet that correspond to specific organs. This technique activates the flow of energy in the body to induce a deep sense of relaxation.

ƒ 110

45 mins

ƒ 180

60 mins

Coral Estate

Stress-fix massage

Lavender, Lavenin, and Clary Sage aroma blend help target the negative effects of stress through breath work. Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Acupressure Massage modalities are incorporated to reduce tightness in high tension areas.

ƒ 118

45 mins

ƒ 192

60 mins

ƒ 252

90 mins

Coral Estate

Thai massage

Improve flexibility and release muscular tension through the assisted stretching and accupressure work of Thai massage. Loose fitting clothing is required; note no oil is used during this service.

ƒ 270

90 mins

enhancements for those of us that need a little extra

Coral Estate
Kurá Hulanda

Deep tissue (Pijat Dalam)

give access to the deeper muscle layers releasing stress and tension aiding in release of chronic muscle tension.

add ƒ 15

does not add time to the massage. It is an extra service within the time of the original service

Coral Estate
Kurá Hulanda

Hot stone

warm the muscles to improve circulation and promote overall wellbeing.

add ƒ 15

does not add time to the massage. It is an extra service within the time of the original service

Coral Estate
Kurá Hulanda

Dry brushing

invigorating exfoliation removing surface heat while increasing blood circulation

add ƒ 15

does not add time to the massage. It is an extra service within the time of the original service

Coral Estate
Kurá Hulanda

Body polish

full body exfoliation to smooth skin and promote cellular renewal.

ƒ 50

30 mins

Coral Estate
Kurá Hulanda

More minutes

ƒ 25

15 mins